The DIY Career Manifesto

The Unconventional Guide to Turning Your Talents and Know-How Into a Profitable Business

DIY Career Manifesto ebookAre You Ready to Create a Living on Your Own Terms?

The purpose of this book is to inspire you to take your talents and know-how and turn them into a flourishing livelihood – one that makes a difference in the world while allowing you to make a decent living.

I’ve been self-employed much of my adult life. In this book, for the first time, I share the actions and principles that helped me design a life that’s ideally suited to who I am.

I call it a “manifesto” because it is my urgent call to action. I’m tired of seeing countless people living unfulfilled lives because they think there’s no other choice.

If you have fallen victim to this mass hypnosis, it’s time to wake up!

Here are your purchase options …

The DIY Career Manifesto is available as an ebook and audiobook only.

Here are links to get the ebook on Amazon in 13 countries:

United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, India, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, the Netherlands.

Note: You don’t need a Kindle device to read it. This page explains the many ways to read Kindle ebooks.

DIY Career Manifesto audiobookWant the audio version?

The DIY Career Manifesto audiobook is available on:



iTunes Store

More about the DIY Career Manifesto …

I describe it as “unconventional” because my philosophy goes against the grain of traditional business wisdom. As I share my personal journey to full-time, self-employed status, you’ll see that I definitely took the road less traveled.

Even if you’re forward thinking and embrace the modern “indie” ethic, I bet you still have a bit of lingering “safe route” residue rolling around in your brain. It is my hope that this book exposes that nasty mind virus and replaces it with a more empowering mindset.

Also, I refer to the new work-life you will build as a “DIY Career.” Of course, DIY stands for “do it yourself” – the idea being that your vocation is “self-made” and your journey must always start with you. It’s the brave act of designing a life that makes the most of expressing and sharing who you authentically are.

Let’s clarify something …

Of course, no career path is solely DIY. Success will require the involvement of others: your fans, your peers, and perhaps a team of support players. No doubt, you can’t do it completely alone.

But you can do it on your own terms … And the first important steps must be taken exclusively by you!

The official definition of “manifesto” is “a public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions.” Consider this my public declaration of principles that have served me, and others, well in the pursuit of living an authentic, purpose-driven life. My intention is to rattle the cages, inspire you, and let you know it’s okay to be unhappy with the career route most people tell you to take.

There’s a better way

The activities you engage in to support yourself shouldn’t be “whatever I have to do to make ends meet.” Do not accept this as your lot in life!

Don’t get me wrong. We all have times in our lives when we must engage in work outside of our “happy zone.” Lord knows I have. Sometimes you have no choice but to do what you have to do before you can do what you want to do. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

It becomes a problem when you get perpetually stuck in that “work for someone else” mode. When you stop aspiring for something better. When your dreams are held captive on a never-ending back burner that has lost its flame. When you let an unproductive and unfulfilling pattern rule your life.

That’s why I wrote this book. To light a fire. To share my story. And to inspire you to create your own DIY Career that is ideally suited for YOU!

If that sounds good, let’s start rockin’.

Here are your purchase options …

The DIY Career Manifesto is available as an ebook and audiobook only.

Here are links to get the ebook on Amazon in 13 countries:

United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, India, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, the Netherlands.

Note: You don’t need a Kindle device to read it. This page explains the many ways to read Kindle ebooks.

DIY Career Manifesto audiobookWant the audio version?

The DIY Career Manifesto audiobook is available on:



iTunes Store